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2024-05-06 05:43:53| 来源: 网络整理













games103作业一代码using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System;public class Rigid_Bunny : MonoBehaviour{bool launched = false;float dt = 0.015f;Vector3 v = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // 速度(控制物体移动)Vector3 w = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // 角速度(控制物质旋转)float mass; //质量Matrix4x4 I_ref; //惯性矩阵float linear_decay = 0.999f; //速度衰减float angular_decay = 0.98f; //角速度衰减float restitution = 0.5f; //弹性系数float friction = 0.2f; // 摩擦系数Vector3 gravity = new Vector3(0.0f, -9.8f, 0.0f); //重力// Use this for initializationvoid Start(){Mesh mesh = GetComponent().mesh;Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;float m = 1;mass = 0;for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++){mass += m;float diag = m * vertices[i].sqrMagnitude;//diag = mv^2I_ref[0, 0] += diag;I_ref[1, 1] += diag;I_ref[2, 2] += diag;I_ref[0, 0] -= m * vertices[i][0] * vertices[i][0];I_ref[0, 1] -= m * vertices[i][0] * vertices[i][1];I_ref[0, 2] -= m * vertices[i][0] * vertices[i][2];I_ref[1, 0] -= m * vertices[i][1] * vertices[i][0];I_ref[1, 1] -= m * vertices[i][1] * vertices[i][1];I_ref[1, 2] -= m * vertices[i][1] * vertices[i][2];I_ref[2, 0] -= m * vertices[i][2] * vertices[i][0];I_ref[2, 1] -= m * vertices[i][2] * vertices[i][1];I_ref[2, 2] -= m * vertices[i][2] * vertices[i][2];}I_ref[3, 3] = 1;}Matrix4x4 Get_Cross_Matrix(Vector3 a)//得到向量a的叉乘矩阵{//Get the cross product matrix of vector aMatrix4x4 A = Matrix4x4.zero;A[0, 0] = 0;A[0, 1] = -a[2];A[0, 2] = a[1];A[1, 0] = a[2];A[1, 1] = 0;A[1, 2] = -a[0];A[2, 0] = -a[1];A[2, 1] = a[0];A[2, 2] = 0;A[3, 3] = 1;return A;}private Quaternion Add(Quaternion a, Quaternion b){a.x += b.x;a.y += b.y;a.z += b.z;a.w += b.w;return a;}private Matrix4x4 Matrix_subtraction(Matrix4x4 a, Matrix4x4 b){for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j){a[i, j] -= b[i, j];}}return a;}private Matrix4x4 Matrix_miltiply_float(Matrix4x4 a, float b){for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j){a[i, j] *= b;}}return a;}// In this function, update v and w by the impulse due to the collision with//a plane //P 为该平面上的一个点,N为该平面的法线void Collision_Impulse(Vector3 P, Vector3 N){//1.获取物体的每一个顶点(局部坐标)Mesh mesh = GetComponent().mesh;Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;//2.得到每一个顶点的全局坐标旋转矩阵R,和平移向量Matrix4x4 R = Matrix4x4.Rotate(transform.rotation); //旋转矩阵Vector3 T = transform.position; //平移向量Vector3 sum = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //碰撞点int collisionNum = 0; //碰撞点数量for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++){//3.计算每个顶点到该表面的距离dVector3 r_i = vertices[i];Vector3 Rri = R.MultiplyVector(r_i);Vector3 x_i = T + Rri;float d = Vector3.Dot(x_i - P, N);if (d < 0.0f)//发生碰撞(只有当平面为无限大平面时才能这样判断,否则还要判断碰撞点是否在物体上){//4.将该点移动到距离表面最近的点。?????//x_i -= d * N//5.判断物体是否仍向墙体内部运动Vector3 v_i = v + Vector3.Cross(w, Rri);float v_N_size = Vector3.Dot(v_i, N);if (v_N_size < 0.0f){sum += r_i;collisionNum++;}}}//Debug.LogFormat("共有{0}个点", collisionNum);if (collisionNum == 0) return;Matrix4x4 I_rot = R * I_ref * Matrix4x4.Transpose(R);//惯性张量(全局)Matrix4x4 I_inverse = Matrix4x4.Inverse(I_rot); //惯性张量的逆(全局)Vector3 r_collision = sum / collisionNum; //虚拟碰撞点(局部坐标)Vector3 Rr_collision = R.MultiplyVector(r_collision);//Vector3 x_collision = T + Rr_collision; //虚拟碰撞点(全局坐标)Vector3 v_collision = v + Vector3.Cross(w, Rr_collision);//6.如果物体仍向墙体内部运动,修改为新速度Vector3 v_N = Vector3.Dot(v_collision, N) * N;Vector3 v_T = v_collision - v_N;Vector3 v_N_new = -1.0f * restitution * v_N;float a = Math.Max(1.0f - friction * (1.0f + restitution) * v_N.magnitude / v_T.magnitude, 0.0f);Vector3 v_T_new = a * v_T;Vector3 v_new = v_N_new + v_T_new;//7.通过新速度量计算冲量JMatrix4x4 Rri_star = Get_Cross_Matrix(Rr_collision);Matrix4x4 K = Matrix_subtraction(Matrix_miltiply_float(Matrix4x4.identity, 1.0f / mass),Rri_star * I_inverse * Rri_star);Vector3 J = K.inverse.MultiplyVector(v_new - v_collision);//8.计算dv,dw;v += 1.0f / mass * J;w += I_inverse.MultiplyVector(Vector3.Cross(Rr_collision, J));//9.通过冲量J改变整个物体的线速度和角速度}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){//Game Controlif (Input.GetKey("r")){transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0.6f, 0);restitution = 0.5f;launched = false;Debug.Log("返回原点");}if (Input.GetKey("l")){v = new Vector3(5, 2, 0);w = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);Debug.Log("开始运动");launched = true;}if (launched){// Part I: Update velocitiesv += dt * gravity;v *= linear_decay;w *= angular_decay; //先进行受力和力的衰减// Part II: Collision ImpulseCollision_Impulse(new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));Collision_Impulse(new Vector3(2, 0, 0), new Vector3(-1, 0, 0)); //碰撞操作更新速度和角速度V,W// Part III: Update position & orientationVector3 x_0 = transform.position;Quaternion q_0 = transform.rotation; //上一帧的旋转角度和位置//Update linear statusVector3 x = x_0 + dt * v; //蛙跳计算新的位置 x1 = x0+v1*t//Update angular statusVector3 dw = 0.5f * dt * w;Quaternion qw = new Quaternion(dw.x, dw.y, dw.z, 0.0f);Quaternion q = Add(q_0, qw * q_0); //q1 = q0+(w1/2*t)*q0// Part IV: Assign to the objecttransform.position = x;transform.rotation = q;}}}

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